My favourite piece of technology

Hello dear reader, welcome to another day with me.

In this post I will tell you about my cellphone, this little and useful instrument that I think that you have, is a rectangle of metal and another things that I don't know, but it has a camera, apps, internet, you can use it to communicate with other people and to have a lot of games.
My smarthphone is black , it has 2000 photos (most are of my cat) and I have many applications for example: Uber, Instagram, Banco Estado, Gmail, Netflix, Spotify, Civico and 11 games.

I got my last cellphone (I have it now)  one year ago, my mother gave it to me because my previous cellphone exploded, but I don't trash out, I collect all of my past in them and I keep it for my grandchildren.

Well... you should already be imagining that I should use it for many things and the truth is that. I love the idea of ​​having many applications that help in my daily life and that make it easier for me, the good thing that cellphones have is that they are many artifacts only in 1!

I think that the cellphone is my favourite artefact because it is not as heavy such as bringing a camera, games, books, computer and other things that you can easily have on your cellphone, also you can save your story there.

Without that I would feel very sad because I couldn't talk to my family or take photos, I should carry a big backpack with things that can replace my phone.... the truth I could live easily without my cellphone (I go to many parts without it) but I prefer it to be there.

This is all for now.... Bye bye dear reader.


  1. OMG is that photo real? It's amazing that you collect your cell phones.
    When my pet was alive, it also filled the photos on my phone, so I understand you.

  2. Oh! It's so interesting that you keep your old cell phones for your grandchildren.

  3. What fun to keep your old cell phones, in this way grandchildren will see what was the technology before they were born and ... cats are the maximum! <3


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