Blog6: Postgraduate Studies

Hello everyone, welcome to another day with me. Today I will tell you about what I will like to do in the future with my Postgraduate Studies.

I will like to do a course to specialise in Pikler's methedology, I think that it isn't a Postgraduate, but is similar. I believe that I will like to do this because I love this methedology (you know this, always I write about Pikler), it has a different vision of the child as a person with rights and the adults support with their observations.

I would like to stady in Budapest, because in this place it is implemanted the first building that creates Pikler with her methedology, it's an orphanage. I would like to travel to Hungary and for this I would like to do full-time course.

I think that is important to mention because I consider the Pikler methedology as a great form to take a practice in the Kindergardens in Chile:

- The first reason is that the Method search for the autonomy, is the key for  personal security and in the practice the educator asks for the help of the child.

- The second and the last reason that I will tell you is the security attachment, when the child has only a person as a carer, but in the case of the kindergardens, it is important to include that apart of the family, the child should have one person (educator or technical).

This is all for today, see you in my next
